What does it Mean to be a True Woman of God in Today’s Culture?

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What does it mean to be a true woman of God in today’s culture?

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“An excellent woman [one who is spiritual, capable, intelligent, and virtuous], who is he who can find her? Her value is more precious than jewels and her worth is far above rubies or pearls.” (Prov 31:10 AMP)

Growing up, I often heard subtle and overt messages about what it means to be a true woman. According to culture, a true woman is independent, confident, and hot. She is empowered and free to do as she pleases. She has everything put together— a successful career, an equally successful man, fame, reputation, and wealth. She has two talented children who are crushing it at school. Living in a luxurious mansion, she effortlessly maintains her home with the help of a nanny, butler, and gardener while being out in the world making the bag.  She is an inspiration, a role model, a queen for all young women to emulate. 

Within these secular definitions of what makes a woman a real woman, I rarely heard words like

humble, kind, virtuous, modest, inner beauty, self-control, servant-hearted, grateful, loving, nurturing, and gracious.

I came to realize that these wonderful attributes of a woman have diminished in meaning and value while being sexy, sophisticated, popular, independent, and in control has become the new way for modern women.

Oh, how I fell for this misleading portrayal of a true woman! As a teenager, I often envisioned a life that glorified my beauty and achievements, placing myself on a pedestal. So, I diligently worked every day in hopes of becoming this kind of woman—until I met Christ at age 22, who radically changed my perspective on authentic womanhood. 

If you want to become a true woman, know that it CAN NOT happen outside of God.

Therefore, a true woman is a woman of God. To become a true woman of God, you won’t find answers in yourself or the world, but in the GREAT DESIGNER who created each woman in His image (Gen 1:26- 27). If you’re ready to be a true woman of God, then you’re at the right place This blog post is part 1 of the Queen Blog Series. In upcoming posts, I’ll cover why being a true woman matters, how to become one, the characteristics of a true woman versus a wimpy one, and examples of women in the Bible who embody and fail to embody true womanhood. So stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter for regular updates on this blog series. Now, let’s delve into the meaning of a true woman.

*Please note that in this blog post, I use the phrases "true woman" and "true woman of God" interchangeably as they both have the same meaning and intent. 

What does it mean to be a true woman of God?

Through my readings of solid Christian literature, observation of notable women in the Bible, and personal experience as a young woman, I have crafted a succinct definition of a true woman of God.

Definition of a True Woman of God:

A true woman is a lady who reveres the Lord, surrenders her life to His reign, and exemplifies excellent character.

Therefore, being a true woman of God in today’s or tomorrow’s culture means fearing and loving God, trusting and earnestly following His authority, and embodying Christlike qualities in everyday life.

Such a woman lives for and pleases God and receives His PRESENCE, BLESSINGS, AND FAVOR in return.

Now, let’s elaborate on this definition.

  1. A True Woman is a Lady Who Revers The Lord.

To rever God means having a deep respect, fear, awe, and love for Him. A true woman takes delight in her Father so much that she has no interest in, and despises sinning against Him. Instead, she strives to align her thoughts and actions to PLEASE and HONOR God. She acknowledges God as her creator and savior through Christ, deserving of all praise and glory. Such a woman knows that her gravest mistake in life is to not take God seriously; therefore, SHE RUNS AFTER GOD’S HEART, believing fully well that He is good, His design of her is good, and His plans for her are good. A true woman of God reveres the Lord.

2. A true woman is a Lady Who Surrenders Her Life to God’s Reign.

A true woman recognizes God as sovereign, making all decisions and guiding everything according to His master plan. She knows that God is in control, so instead of trusting herself or someone else to run her life, or harboring a rebellious heart, she surrenders control to God. When she prays, she often uses phrases like “God, take control,” “lead me and guide me,” and “Use me for Your glory!” A true woman recognizes that she would be limiting herself if she surrendered only part of herself to God; therefore, she remains committed to surrendering ALL, including her sexuality, identity, career, marriage, and family plans, personal desires, ambitions, and decisions, to His will.

3. A true woman is a Lady Who Exemplifies Excellent Character.

A true woman embodies virtues and qualities that reflect God’s image and bring honor to Him. These include kindness, love, humility, integrity, honesty, diligence, grace, compassion, selflessness, inner beauty, modesty, sexual holiness, and gratitude. A true woman speaks words that build others up (Eph 4:29), avoids gossip and idleness (1 Tim 5:13-14), diligently cares for her household and the needy (Prov 31:13-15, 20-21), and uses her gifts for God’s Kingdom (1 Peter 4:10). She understands that true beauty comes from within, which is of great worth in God’s sight (1 Peter 3:4). A true woman places her worth and identity in God, knowing fully well that only He can truly satisfy the feminine soul (2 Cor 5:17; John 6:35). What’s incredibly beautiful is that she not only embodies these timeless qualities but INTENTIONALLY displays them in the world (Matt 5:16). Therefore, a true woman of God serves as an exemplary role model for young girls to follow.

4. In Return, She Receives His Presence, Blessings, and Favor

Lastly, a true woman’s obedience and earnest devotion to God attract His presence, blessings, and favor. God delights in and rewards those who pursue Him (Zeph 3:17; Rev 22:12). A woman who seeks God NEVER comes away empty, for Christ is the BREAD OF HER LIFE(John 6:35). God blesses each of His daughters according to His will (Eph 1:11). Therefore, do not expect God to bless you in the same way He blesses your church sister. Instead, trust that God works out everything, including the unique blessings you receive, as part of His sovereign plan for your life.

Among the many ways God blesses His sons and daughters include divine protection (Psa 91:2), providence (Phil 4:19), a wife (Prov 18:22), a godly husband (Ruth 2:10-12), the gift of children (Exo 1:21), peace in chaos (John 14:27), comfort in grief (2 Cor 1:3-4), joy and happiness (Psa 16:11), health (Jere 30:17), a home (Isaiah 32:18), career advancements (Proverbs 3:5-6), opportunities to exercise your God-given gifts (Romans 12:6-8), eternal fellowship (Revelation 21:3-4), and the gracious gift of salvation (Romans 3:22-24).


In essence, to reiterate the definition above, a true woman of God is a lady who reveres the Lord, surrenders her life to His reign, and exemplifies excellent character. Such a woman lives to please God and, in return, receives His presence, blessings, and favor. Would you consider yourself a true woman of God? Ultimately, becoming the truest version of what God desires of you is a work in progress. It’s a journey of continuous growth in faith, character, obedience to God’s will, and putting aside the sinful self and allowing the Holy SPIRIT to take precedence (Eph 4:22-24). Join us next week as we explore WHY being a true woman of God matters in this generation.

What does it mean to be a true woman of God: Refining Womanhood through a biblical lens.

What does it mean to be a true woman of God: Refining Womanhood through a biblical lens.


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