7 Extraordinary Ways to Reflect God’s Image in Your Daily Life as a Christian Woman + Free Worksheet

7 Extraordinary Ways to Reflect the Image of God in Your Daily Life as a Christian Woman + Free Worksheet

Queen Defined Podcast

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How to reflect the Image of God worksheet


In the beginning, God created heaven and the Earth. On the first day, God created light. On the second day, God created the sky. On the third day, God created dry land, seas, plants, and trees. On the fourth day, God created the sun, moon, and stars. On the fifth day, God created water and sky animals. And on the 6th day, God created man in His image.

“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them (Gen 1: 26-27).”

“Then the Lord God formed a man from the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being (Gen 2:7).”

“ So the Lord God caused the man to fall into a deep sleep; and while he was sleeping, he took one of the man’s ribs and then closed up the place with flesh. Then the Lord God made a woman from the rib he had taken out of the man, and he brought her to the man (Gen 2: 21-22).”

He delights in us

If you carefully study Genesis 1-2, you’ll realize that God created light down to animals with the mere sound of His voice. However, when He made male and female, He fashioned them with HIS OWN HANDS (Gen 2:7; 21-22). You may also realize that when God created His creation, only the Father was involved, except when He made man, and all the members of the Godhead were involved, i.e., God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:26-27).

The fact that God incorporates the Triune God and uses His hands to make man and woman speak to His personal involvement, attention, intimacy, care, love, and delight in His children. Fathom that for a minute!

God takes delight in us. If He did not delight in or value us, He wouldn’t have made us in His sovereign image (see scriptures above). He wouldn’t have established a redemptive plan for the sins of man before the beginning of time (2 Timothy 1:9). He wouldn’t have sent His only begotten son to die for our sins (John 3:16). Moreover, He wouldn’t have cared to invite us into an intimate relationship or to share in His eternal nature (Ps 149: 4; 1 John 3:1; Rev 21:2-3).

What does the Image of God mean?

To be made in the image or likeness of God simply means that when God made you and me, He embedded within us His non-exclusive qualities. Among these non-exclusive qualities God shared with us include:

  • Holiness

  • Justice

  • Authority

  • Wisdom

  • Creativity

  • Beauty

  • Love

  • Goodness

  • Grace

  • Faithfulness.

If you’re wondering about the qualities that God keeps exclusively to Himself, these include His omnipotence, omnipresence, omniscience, self-existence, immutability, self-sufficiency, transcendence, and infinite nature. However, by the loving grace of God, He has invited His children to share in His eternal nature in time to come (John 3:16). If you’re ready to kickstart a foundational understanding of 17 of God’s remarkable qualities, grab hold of this workbook.

Why did God Make Man in His Image?

God made us in His image for two reasons:

1. Out of His unwavering and unconditional love for us.

2. As an invitation to fellowship with Him.

While the rest of creation glorifies God by its mere existence, we receive the beautiful gift of KNOWING, RELATING, and EXPERIENCING a personal relationship with our sovereign Designer.

This gift becomes even more alluring and lasting as a born-again Christian. Because of Christ’s sacrifice, we get to share in Christ’s perfect and everlasting nature (fathom how powerful and gracious this is!). By growing in knowledge of, and relationship with God, we’re molded more into His perfect image and less of our sinful selves (Eph 4:24).

7 Extraordinary Ways to Reflect the Image of God in Your Daily Life as a Christian Woman

7 Extraordinary ways to reflect the image of God as a Christian woman + Free Worksheet

  1. Reflect the Love and Faithfulness of God in Your Marriage, Home, and Community

God is the author of love, and we can choose to reflect His love in our personal relationships and towards our neighbors. In the home, we can demonstrate God’s love by creating a warm and safe environment for our loved ones and visitors. For married women and mothers, you receive the blessings of emulating God’s selfless and sacrificial love towards your husband and children. You can choose faithfulness over betrayal by honoring the marriage vows, much like how God is honoring His promises and commitment to us (1 Cor 1:9). Similarly, mothers should delightfully nurture their children in the same unconditional love we receive from our Creator.

For single women, we also receive the blessings of reflecting God’s agape love through our faithfulness and earnest devotion to God, and service to one another (1 John 3:16). We can demonstrate God’s love by volunteering at local charities, participating in community outreach programs, sharing the gospel in the unique way He called each of us to, or simply assisting those in need within our circle of influence—all with a willing and delightful heart (Matt 25:40).

 2. Reflect the Justice and Righteousness of God by Doing What’s Right in the Workplace, and Advocating for Justice

As women, we can choose to reflect God’s just and righteous character by making ethical decisions and standing up for fairness in the workplace and community. Despite the pervasive corruption, discrimination, and injustice in this world, we can choose NOT to be a part of society’s madness, and instead be exemplifiers of justice and integrity.

Exemplifying utter fairness may seem like a hard task for some of us, though in essence, it speaks to our willingness to reflect this great attribute of our Lord.

As Christians, we should never forget that every righteous and unrighteous act is seen by God; and that we will all give an account for every action done on Earth (Proverbs 15:3; Romans 14:12). I don’t know about you, but I would rather God commend me for exemplifying justice and fairness in a straying world than rebuke me for harboring and displaying an unjust, unkind, and unrighteous heart.

3. Reflect the Veracity of God by Leading with Honesty and Integrity

The veracity of God refers to His absolute truthfulness, honesty, and consistency. Therefore, as image-bearers of God, we can reflect God’s veracity by leading with honesty and integrity.

Proverbs 12:22 states, “The Lord detests lying lips but He delights in those who are trustworthy.”

This verse underscores the importance of truthfulness and honesty in God’s eyes. It conveys that God despises lies and dishonesty but finds joy and pleasure in those who emulate His nature of trustfulness.

As Christian women, we can reflect God’s veracity by upholding His truth in all areas of our lives, including what He says about our identity, worth, sexuality, purpose, and eternal future.

We can also reflect His veracity by being truthful in our words and actions. This includes being genuine, admitting mistakes, being transparent in our dealings, avoiding deceitful practices, speaking truthfully to and about our neighbors, honoring our commitments, and keeping our promises.

By reflecting the veracity of God by leading with honesty and integrity, we demonstrate our respect for others, which in turn HONORS God.

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4. Reflect the Holiness of God by Walking in Sexual Holiness

The Holiness of our God speaks to His absolute purity and perfection by which all things are measured. As daughters of the King, we should strive to reflect the holiness of God in all areas of our lives, including our sexuality. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20 declares the beautiful truth about our body that I want you to meditate on deeply:

"Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."

Apostle Paul reminds us that our bodies are a gift from God where the Holy Spirit dwells. Don’t take that lightly! Therefore, as Christian women, let us properly steward the body God gave us for His glory. Moreover, this marvelous reality concerning our bodies is not to make us feel miserable, or even sexually frustrated and neglected, but rather intended to give us JOY, MEANING, and FREEDOM within His boundaries of intimacy.

In marriage, sexual holiness is displayed by being faithful to your spouse and cherishing the sanctity of the marriage bed (Heb 13:4). Sexual holiness also includes honoring our bodies by avoiding pornography, fornication, masturbation, inappropriate sexual content, and conversation (Phil 4:8), practicing modesty in our appearance, and recognizing that our bodies are sacred and set apart for God’s purposes (Rom 12:1).

By walking in sexual holiness, we reflect God’s purity and demonstrate our obedience and reverence to His decrees.

5. Reflect the Goodness of God by Being Kind and Cheerfully Serving Others

One of the easiest ways we can reflect the image of God is by BEING KIND to one another; not only towards our loved ones, but even to our enemies and those who hurt us.

Recall the last time you received an act of kindness from a stranger, friend, or relative. How did being served by another make you feel?

Being the recipient of another person’s kindness makes us feel loved, important, valued, and seen; and anyone who is made in the image of God is deserving of such.

Jesus Christ is the true embodiment of goodness that we should all strive to imitate. He healed the man with leprosy (Mark 1:40-42); He fed the hungry with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish (Matt 14:13-21); He raised Lazarus from the dead (John 11:38-44); and out of His overflowing goodness, made us ALIVE IN HIM even while we were dead in transgressions (Eph 2:4-5).

Jesus delightfully and willingly SERVED US. He washed our feet and urges us to also wash one another’s feet (John 13:14-15). Though we cannot raise the dead like Jesus did, we can feed the hungry like Jesus. We can serve one another like Jesus. We can offer words of encouragement, cook a meal for a friend, volunteer our time in our community, offer a ride to someone who might be struggling with transportation, pray for someone who is suffering from an illness, be present with our loved ones, and the kindness list goes on.

As Christian women, let’s never forget the transformative power of showing goodness over evil. Let’s never forget that when we intentionally reflect the goodness of God, we become watchful BEACONS of GOD’S LIGHT, drawing others to Him (Matt 5:16).

The image of God worksheet

Download our FREE WORKSHEET designed to help you walk consciously and purposefully in the image of God.

6. Reflect the Grace of God by Forgiving Those Who Hurt You

What an immensely powerful way to reflect the image of God by choosing to forgive those who hurt you! And how can we wish for God to forgive us for our sins while we’re unwilling to forgive those who hurt us?

Complete the sentence: I affirm to reflect the grace of God by choosing to forgive ______________.

This person may have deeply scarred you, and forgiving him or her might be difficult. However, when we choose to forgive those who hurt us, it doesn't mean we're condoning their behaviors or forgetting the hurt; rather, it’s about releasing anger, resentment, and bitterness, and healing the feminine soul. It's about extending the same grace that God has generously shown us (Eph 2:1-10). 

7.  Reflect the Beauty & Purpose of God in Your Femininity and Womanhood

"One of the ways I enjoy reflecting the image of God is through my unique womanhood and femininity. God made me a WOMAN, with features, capabilities, and roles distinct from a man, all pointing to glorifying my Heavenly Designer.

My beautiful body is intentionally designed to welcome, receive, and have the capacity to beget and nurture life. My God-breathed spirit was consciously designed to be soft, responsive, supportive, submissive, and desire deep relational bonds.

In their book, True Woman 101, Mary A. Kassian and Nancy DeMoss Wolgemuth beautifully describe the unique way God called man and woman to reflect the Christ-bride redemption story:

“Men were created to reflect the strength, love, and self-sacrifice of Christ. Women are created to reflect the responsiveness, grace, and beauty of the bride (church) He redeemed (pg 25).”

Therefore, my womanhood plays a significant role in God’s redemption story, and I enjoy playing this role, and look forward to glorifying God with my womanhood even better.


Reflecting the image of God in your daily life as a Christian woman is a beautiful, meaningful, and fruitful journey. We reflect His image of love, commitment, and faithfulness when we emulate these attributes in our marriages, homes, and friendships. Exercising fairness and righteousness in the workplace mirrors His just and righteous character. Leading with honesty and integrity establishes trust and authenticity while echoing God’s image of truthfulness. Walking in sexual holiness honors God’s command for purity and design for intimacy. By demonstrating kindness, cheerfully serving others, and embracing forgiveness, we reflect the goodness, mercy, and grace God consistently shows us. Lastly, as women, by walking delightfully and intentionally in our femininity, we depict the beauty and redemptive grace that God uniquely created women to tell.

Now, let’s take this journey further. Download our FREE WORKSHEET designed to help you walk consciously and purposefully in the image of God. This resource challenges you to align your daily life with God’s character and standards; explore why God made you, and discover meaningful ways to reflect His image today.

The Image of God Worksheet

The Image of God worksheet

Draw closer to God by understanding 17 of His remarkable qualities. A must-read guide for Christian Women. Learn more.


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