Hi Beauty


Writer, queen coach, and founder of Queen Defined. My goal is to help the modern woman embrace her royal identity in Christ.

Here’s a secret: Neither Hollywood nor social media hold the recipe for true womanhood. Only the Designer does.

Here’s a beautiful truth: God’s daughters are adopted into His royal family through Jesus Christ. Therefore, we are royals, set apart, NOT because of beauty, class, or accomplishments, but because of God’s grace and our identity in Him.

Here’s the reality: Our three adversaries, Satan, the world, and the flesh will always try to keep you away from your crown; i.e., from embodying true feminine dispositions and living out your royal calling and identity.

So, what is Queen Defined?

I’m heartbroken whenever I see young women basing their worth on superficial labels, competing and comparing themselves with others, blindly undervaluing their sexuality, or becoming miserable and bitter from unresolved past traumas, mistakes, and unfulfilled longings.

Queen Defined is an online space for young women to explore what it means, why it matters, and how to be a true woman of God in today’s culture.

For the past couple of years, God has been stirring within me the passion to serve young women.

After I was baptized, and began actively seeking God, I became a whole and restored feminine soul. The more I learned about my Designer’s timeless truth on womanhood, beauty, sex, and identity, the more I was compelled to share. And that’s when the Holy Spirit propelled me to launch Queen Defined.

Healing begins here. By God’s awesome grace and power, we receive everything it takes to live remarkable lives as Christian women. I'm here to help fix your crown.

Our mission? To help you become a true woman of God.

and who is this type of woman?

She is a lady who reveres the Lord, surrenders her life to His reign, and exemplifies excellent character.

Such a woman pleases God, and in return receives His presence, blessings, and favor.

Through our blogs, guides, and courses, we’re equipping you to stand firm against modern pressures, and boldly embrace your identity in Christ. I don’t have all the answers, God continues to mold me into His obedient servant, but I know some truths and am excited to share them with you.  I'm glad you have taken the time to become the woman God wants you to be. Welcome to Queen Defined.

What I’m about

God (obviously🥰✝️), biblical femininity🌸, honoring and supporting godly masculinity💪🏾 , soul healing🌹, slow living, love, laughter😂, creating Christian materials❤️, advice for Christian singles, meaningful conversations, beaches🏖️, sunsets🌅, staying fit💪🏾, eating curry goat.

What I’m NOT about

Defeat🙅🏾‍♀️, fast life, gossip👎🏾, noise, belittling the masculine❌, world’s approval✋🏾, tomato soup, olives on my pizza.

Get started with this blogpost, or hold a copy of the Made in His Image Free Worksheet.

How to become a Queen?

The Biblical Path to True Womanhood (Queenhood) in a Modern World

Here are some of the topics that I’ll be covering in this course. After taking this self-paced course, students will know:

  1. Exactly who is a true queen, and how to embody this radical type of woman.

  2. How to detect and reject lies told by modern culture surrounding  a woman’s beauty, worth, identity and sexuality.

  3. How to identify the unique ways that God has called you to embrace and live out your royal calling & identity.

  4. And many more gems! 

Get ready to fix your crown, ! I’m excited for you

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