Part 3: The Black Woman’s Royal Identity In Christ- 3 Wholesome Blessings of Knowing Whose You Are: The Blessing of Identity.

In a world of ever-changing standards on what it means to be a true woman, where do you place your sense of worth and identity? I posed this same question in part 1, “Black women, do you know who and whose you are?”

We are often bombarded with deceptive messages about how we should look, act, and be as black women. However, regardless of the ridiculous messages the world may throw at us, the foundation of our identity should be rooted solely in JESUS CHRIST, who does not change like shifting winds.

In part three of our exploration of the Black Woman's Royal Identity in Christ, we delve deeper into the third wholesome blessing for knowing WHOSE you are: The Blessing of Identity. In part 1, I shared how a Black woman can exercise her freedom in Christ to liberate her soul from falsehoods concerning her identity, worth, and inclusion in God’s redemptive plan. In part 2, I discussed how we can discover our purpose by aligning our hearts with God. In the upcoming weeks, I’ll be sharing seven notable Black women of the Bible with the main intention of dismantling the falsehoods many of us believe about our black biblical presence and inclusion in God’s Kingdom agenda.

So, if you are a black woman reading this post, and eager to learn more about your royal identity in Christ and to recognize your black biblical presence and inclusion in God’s Kingdom agenda, then read on and stay tuned for upcoming articles on this topic. You can also visit existing articles on this topic, beginning here.

Disclaimer: Before delving any further, I want to emphasize that neither I nor my platform is attempting to demonstrate or endorse that black is better, nor am I trying to add to the rivalry that exists among ethnic groups. Rather, no ethnicity is holier, more deserving, or more loved by God than the other (Acts 10:34-35, Rom 2:11). We are all sinners in dire need of God’s grace (Luke 13:3, Rom 3:23). However, this discussion arises from the need to address the lost knowledge of our black biblical presence and identity in Christ. As a black woman who grew up in a household seeing my parents worshiping a false god, a rebellious act bred from the whitewashing and misuse of Christianity, it matters greatly that I know whose, and therefore who I am, not only for my eternal life’s sake but also for the eternal future of my children.

3 Wholesome Blessings for Knowing Whose You Are. Part 3: The Blessing of Identity

By knowing whose I am, I came to know who I am.

"I am God’s beloved daughter, chosen by grace to fellowship with Him."

Society typically defines ‘identity’ as the sum of one's qualities, beliefs, religion, ethnicity, personality, nationality, gender, sexual orientation, career title, or personal experiences. While this definition holds value, the real and ultimate meaning of ‘identity’ can be succinctly defined as

our position in Christ.

"So in Christ Jesus, you are all children of God through faith, for all of you who were baptized into Christ have clothed yourselves with Christ (Gal 3:26).”

Let’s heed Paul’s words carefully, believing that our true identity is rooted exclusively in our chosen, royal position as beloved children of the King.

What Does It Mean to Place Your Identity in God?

Placing your identity—your essence, heart, soul, and mind—in God means choosing to believe and embody what God says about you, including what He says about your worth, purpose, sexuality, womanhood, eternal future, and other aspects of your being. It’s about allowing God's words to take precedence over all things—transforming the way you think, act, and live.

By placing our identity in Christ as Christian women of African descent, we affirm these powerful truths to ourselves and the world:

As It Relates to Our Worth:

  • What God says about me is truer than what anyone else says (Num 23:19).

  • I have inherent, profound, and irreplaceable worth because I am God’s child, and He made me in His image (Gen 1:27).

  • I am purposefully and wonderfully made (Ps 139:14).

  • I am deeply loved by God, who took the form of a man to die for my sins (John 3:16).

  • I am cherished by God, who through His grace invites me to dwell with Him in eternal bliss (1 Cor 1:9).

As It Relates to Our Sexuality and Womanhood:

  • My sexuality is beautiful, a gift from God to glorify Him within the boundaries He created (Gen 2:24).

  • God calls me to honor and glorify Him with this body He has made (1 Cor 6:18-20).

  • My body is beautiful (Ps 139:13-14).

  • My womanhood is valuable, precious, and indispensable because I was made in God’s image, and I am a daughter of the King (Gen 1:27).

As It Relates to Our Purpose and Destiny:

  • I am gifted and competent to accomplish all the great works God has called me to (John 15:16).

  • I serve a great purpose in this generation (Acts 13:36).

  • My life is of significant worth (Matt 10:29-31).

  • After this life, I will dwell with my Father in eternal communal bliss (Titus 2:11).

These biblical truths offer a glimpse of the freedom and blessings we receive by placing our identity in God.

Before I became a Christian, I genuinely thought I knew who I was but later realized that my identity was built on a shallow, worldly foundation instead of the solid rock of God Almighty. As I came to know God more intimately, my distorted identity transformed to reflect the truth and freedom of God. Now, I am overjoyed to proclaim to the world that

I know who I am because I know whose I am.

This new identity I embody is not only a blessing but a GIFT from my Lord. It is rooted in God’s love for you and me and remains CONSTANT despite our struggles with sin, perceived flaws, and cultural changes (Ephesians 2:8-9; Lamentations 3:22-23).

To fully understand and embrace God’s timeless truths about our identity, worth, purpose, sexuality, and womanhood, we must first have an accurate and deep understanding of our Designer, including what He says about Himself and about the daughters He has beautifully made. This workbook will help you to understand your Designer’s heart.

Blessing of Identity Prayer

Dear Heavenly Father,

We are thankful for the beautiful gift of identity. We are grateful that in You, we can discover our true selves. In You, we know who we are and why we are. Lord, Your word for our womanhood is true and beautiful. Your word for our sexuality is true and liberating. Your word regarding our worth and purpose is true and incredible. We are humbled to be made in Your wonderful image. Because of Your great love for us, You have called us to share in Your eternal nature. You loved us so much that You took the form of a man to die for our sins, and through Your Son, Jesus Christ, our new identity has been forged—one that is stable, solid, and true. We are deeply thankful and humbled to receive this gift of grace. We are excited to be a part of Your Royal Kingdom and delighted to fellowship with You, our Creator.

We pray that we never lose sight of WHOSE we are and that we continue glorifying Your Holy name and sharing the worthy gospel with other women.

In Jesus's worthy name, we pray.


Let’s Wrap Up

Thank you for taking the time to read part 3 of this mini-blog series. I hope that each article increases your hunger for God and that you come to love, trust, and follow Him even more. He is EXCEEDINGLY WORTHY to be known and praised. I hope you also realize even more how PRECIOUS, WORTHY, AND BEAUTIFUL you are. There was ABSOLUTELY NO mistake when God wove our bodies, curls, hips, lips, and skin. I am fearfully and wonderfully made, and I hope your soul embraces this truth too.

The time has never been better for you and me to live out our royal identity and calling in a world that strays from His truth and undermines our worth as Black women. Let us never stop anchoring our identity firmly in God’s words and faithful promises. Let’s continue to walk UNASHAMEDLY in the FREEDOM He has given us. Let’s live with ETERNITY in mind, knowing that only in Christ can we receive true JOY and FULFILLMENT.


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