Beauty, quotes ASHAKI DIXON Beauty, quotes ASHAKI DIXON

23 Uplifting Biblical Affirmations Celebrating Black Women’s Hair + Free Download

In a world where beauty standards can often feel restrictive and exclusionary, it's essential that we celebrate the unique and divine beauty inherent in Black women’s hair. In this blog post, we share 23 uplifting biblical affirmations that celebrate Black women’s hair, reminding us of our inherent worth, beauty, and God’s unconditional love toward us. Plus, don't miss out on our free downloadable resource to keep these affirmations close at hand to inspire and uplift you daily.

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7 Extraordinary Ways to Reflect God’s Image in Your Daily Life as a Christian Woman + Free Worksheet

Discover seven extraordinary ways to reflect the image of God in your daily life as a Christian woman. Explore how to embody God's love, justice, holiness, righteousness, faithfulness, goodness, and grace at home, in your marriage, and at work. Accompanied by a free workbook to help you walk purposefully in the image of God, and challenges women to align their lives with God’s moral standards.

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Part 1: The Black Woman’s Royal Identity In Christ- 3 Wholesome Blessings of Knowing Whose You Are:The Blessings of Freedom.

Discover 3 reasons why it matters for black women to recognize, understand, and embrace their black biblical presence, beginning with the blessing of Freedom. Society may have led many of us to believe that black people are God's afterthought, or less important in value, and worth, but God tells us that we all are equal, valued, and loved.

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