Part 2: The Black Woman’s Royal Identity In Christ- 3 Wholesome Blessings for Knowing Whose You Are: The Blessing of Purpose

Part 2: The Black Woman’s Royal Identity in Christ: 3 Wholesome Blessings for Knowing Whose You are: Part 1: The Blessings of Purpose

In part two of our exploration of the Black Woman's Royal Identity in Christ, we delve deeper into the next wholesome blessing for knowing whose you are: The Blessing of Purpose. In part 1, I shared how a black woman can exercise her freedom in Christ to liberate her soul from falsehoods concerning her identity, worth, and inclusion in God’s redemptive plan. Today, we explore the blessing of walking in divine purpose.

So, if you are a black woman reading this post, eager to learn more about your royal identity and purpose in Christ, and recognize your black biblical presence and inclusion in God’s Kingdom agenda, then read on and ensure to follow up with upcoming articles on this same topic.

Disclaimer: Before delving any further, I want to emphasize that neither I nor my platform is attempting to demonstrate or endorse that black is better, nor am I trying to add to the rivalry that exists among ethnic groups. Rather, no ethnicity is holier, more deserving, or more loved by God than the other (Acts 10:34-35, Rom 2:11). We are all sinners in dire need of God’s grace (Luke 13:3, Rom 3:23). However, this discussion arises from the need to address the lost knowledge of our black biblical presence and identity in Christ. As a black woman who grew up in a household seeing my parents worshiping a false god, a rebellious act bred from the whitewashing and misuse of Christianity, it matters greatly that I know whose, and therefore who I am, not only for my life’s sake but also for my future children

3 Wholesome Blessings for Knowing Whose You Are: Part 2: The Blessing of Purpose

By knowing whose I am, I became aligned with my purpose.

I am God’s beloved daughter, chosen by grace to fellowship with Him,”

Biblical Definition of Purpose:

Pastor Tony Evans beautifully captured the meaning of purpose/calling in His recent Bible commentary:

"The customized life purpose God has ordained and equipped you to accomplish in order to bring him the greatest glory and achieve the maximum expansion of his kingdom." Evans further explained that, as followers of Jesus and subjects in God’s kingdom, believers have been placed on this earth to carry out God’s will according to their personal gifts and his plan for each life. Your calling is unique to you and will often involve the intersection of your past experiences, passions, gifts, position, and personality when God ushered you into its fulfillment (Acts 13:36; Gal 2:20; Eph 2:10; Phil 2:12-13).

Therefore, if you for once think that you don’t serve a purpose, let me remind you that you do.

You are special, chosen, and made for more.

This world will undermine your potential; not everyone wants you to win and prosper; and our spiritual enemy will always try to distract you from completing your God-ordained assignments. But in my three years as a Christian, I’ve learned that WHEN YOU CLING TO GOD, YOU WILL PREVAIL.

The Beauty of Walking In Your Purpose:

There is profound beauty when we walk consciously and delightfully in our calling. I view purpose as a beautiful connection between God and our authentic selves. This is because when we’re walking in our God-given purpose, we’re both serving God’s Kingdom and expressing our unique individual image into the world.

Additionally, walking gracefully in our purpose nurtures the fellowship we share with God.

Not Just Any Work, God’s Work:

Before realizing and embracing my God-given purpose, I thought my calling in life was to be a doctor, a biologist, or even a singer (though, I would not say I have the best melody). Oftentimes, friends and families would encourage me to explore modeling and make a name for myself in beauty pageants. Though these career options are worthy to consider, they were NOT my future.

Just a couple of months ago, the Holy Spirit revealed within me that one of my God-given assignments is to minister to the souls of black women through my writings and experiences. God made me realize that when He sent me out into the world a couple of years ago, the observations, experiences, and trials I underwent were to draw me closer to this reality.

And I now understand that the places I go, the situations I face, and the tasks I undertake are not arbitrary tasks or events but God’s work. This platform and other future projects God placed within my heart to complete are NOT JUST ANYWORK, NOR MY WORK, but GOD’S WORK; and I take delight in serving Him and uniquely expressing His image.

Related Blogpost:

We Share the Same Purpose:

Whose are you? Who do you belong to? Who or what is shaping your thoughts, values, identity, and choices? Are you clinging to the world, yourself, or to God? When we cling to God and His words, we discover ourselves, and when we find ourselves, we positively impact others' lives by being beacons of light in the world(Matt 5:16).

I strongly believe that Christians share the same underlying purpose:

to spread the gospel and help expand God's kingdom in the unique way He called us to.

Therefore, our goal as Christians is NOT to find our purpose, but to FIND, MAXIMIZE, AND EMBRACE the unique calling, gift, or path that God bestowed upon You to glorify Him.

Therefore, if God calls you into motherhood— to bear little Christians and share the beauty of the gospel with them— then do so joyfully. If He calls you into medicine, serve your patients well, or if it’s writing, singing, marketing, or entrepreneurship, let’s all do our works to exalt God, and not ourselves (Romans 12:6-8; Col 3:23-24For in God, we find true meaning and purpose.

Blessing of Purpose Prayer

Dear Father, our Perfect Designer:

We thank You for the gift of purpose. We thank You for creating us in Your wonderful image and bestowing within us gifts, skills and talents to serve You and one another. We’re thankful for the opportunity to partner and fellowship with the Triune God.

Lord, we don’t want to spend a minute of our time doing things that You didn’t call us to do. We pray that each one of Your daughters tunes in and focuses on the tasks You prepared for us in advance to complete.

Lord, help us to trust this current season You placed us in. Help us to trust that these experiences, events, and situations we’re undergoing are necessary to draw us closer to Your heart and our destiny. Lord, strengthen us to serve You, joyfully and humbly right now, where You have placed us.

Help us not give in to fears, doubts, and temptations, but rather trust that Your plans are not to harm us, but to prosper and bring us a bright future. I pray that we hold on to this beautiful truth and walk fervently in holiness. Father, You’re worthy to be known, praised, and served. We thank You, Lord, for who You are, what You have done, and Your will for each our lives.

In Jesus’s name, we pray Amen.

Next week, I’ll be furthering my discussion on this mini-series. Today, we discussed the blessing of purpose received from placing our identity in Christ. Next week, I’ll discuss the ‘Blessing of Identity.’

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Be sure to subscribe to receive regular updates on this topic. Also, please share with other sisters, so that they too can benefit from these discussions.

Together, as daughters of the King, we can fully grasp and embrace our royal calling and identity.


7 Timeless Femininity Quotes Every Christian Woman Should Embrace


Part 1: The Black Woman’s Royal Identity In Christ- 3 Wholesome Blessings of Knowing Whose You Are:The Blessings of Freedom.